Breaking barriers for freight forwarders

Become a member of the Voyfai ecosystem and elevate your business.

Navigating the forwarding landscape can be challenging

We have experienced the various challenges in your day-to-day business firsthand through decades of combined experience in the freight forwarding space. Voyfai’s solution suite enables you and your team members to focus on the core of your business – being the best possible partner for your customers.


Reduce the time needed for shipment handling and focus on your customer.


Benefit from very attractive rates across all products and trade lanes.


Leverage a full suite of services set up by Voyfai to make your life easier.


Use other benefits like analytics or backoffice support to gain back time.

Workflow Platform

Save time with optimized workflows

Our technology helps to substantially reduce the complexity and time needed on key process steps along the end-to-end shipment journey. We free you and your team up from manual and repetitive tasks to focus on providing unique solutions for your customers.

Central Procurement

Level up your procurement power

Attractive rates across all transport modes (air, sea, rail, trucking) and trade lanes through leveraging collective member volumes. Access top rates instantly with a single click through intelligent allocation.


Benefit from broad service portfolio

We’ve built-out a full suite of value-added-services for your customers, so you don’t have to. Whether it’s sustainability products, cargo insurance or many more, we’ve got you covered.

Additional Benefits

Make your life easier with further benefits

There are a host of other benefits which we can bring to your business, from enabling you to grow faster, to supporting you with backoffice pain points like finance, accounting, marketing and more. Reach out to us to find out more.

Backed by

the greatest investors

All our investors have long proven track records of picking the winners across different industries.

Become part of the
Voyfai ecosystem.​

Join us as a member to level up your  business.